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Mixed Palette appeals for support as it recovers from devastating loss

Mixed Palette Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers providing workshops for artists with intellectual disability from the Rockingham and surroundings areas, at minimal cost.

In early November 2022 there was a devastating fire at the Mixed Palette Inc. premises in Rockingham. Fortunately, no one was hurt, however the fire damage has been extensive, resulting in the loss and damage of everything inside – artwork, art materials and equipment, furniture etc.

The group did not possess contents insurance due to the prohibitive cost and their limited income/budget, so the loss is very real and huge.

Mixed Palette have been in operation since 2007 and with the fire and consequent loss of years of their artwork and art materials, they will have to start again from scratch. To begin with, finding a new venue in Rockingham, and purchasing art materials and equipment such as easels, which is what these funds will be used for.

Artist Rebecca Johnston and committee member Mardi Johnston talk with Bec Bowman on Artbeat.

You can donate here.


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