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‘Mo-Hair’ Suit Kickstarts Conversation Around Men’s Health

Imagine wearing a suit…entirely made out of Human Hair!

Pamela Kleemann-Passi, who is a prominent fashion designer, photographer and visual artist based in Melbourne, has constructed a ‘Mo-Hair’ suit from hundreds of men’s moustache hair collected all across Australia through the assistance of Sustainable Salons.

The suit was created in light of growing support towards the ‘Movember Campaign’, which seeks to spread awareness and promote conversations surrounding men’s overall physical and mental health.

On The Record presenter Madeleine Lombardi is joined in the studio with Pamela, where together they discuss the establishment of the project, including the intricate measures taken to work with the collected human hair, along with how the suit was crafted and structurally stitched together with the suave details being applied.

For More Information, please refer to the following websites: HealthyWA and MensLineAustralia

OTR – Moustache Hair Suit [25-11-2021]

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