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“Moon Wobble” Projected To Bring High Tides

A recent study conducted by NASA and the University of Hawaii, suggests that global flooding & the occurrence of “nuisance flooding” in Australia, are set to get worse in the mid-2030s, as the Moon’s orbit begins another phase of its lunar cycle.

The result of this will see fluctuations of the Moon’s orbit to occur; known by researchers as a “Moon wobble”, that will exacerbate the rising sea levels caused by climate change.

On The Record presenter Jesse Begley is joined in the studio with Dr. Mark Gibbs; a principal marine technology and systems engineer from the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (AIMS).

Together, they discuss how the potential impact of the Moon’s wobble phase will influence flooding on coastal infrastructure, and whether we are prepared to deal with such a phenomena.

On The Record – Moon Wobble (23:08:2021)

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