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Pick a Pod: Let’s Talk About The Future (Ep 89)

Another week, another podcast recommendation for Pick a Pod on Breakfast!

Today, the team offer up a three episode podcast series made right here in WA from SeeSaw Magazine, hosted by RTRFMs own Meri Fatin of Drastic on Plastic fame, called Let’s Talk About The Future. In the show, we hear Meri speak with arts industry experts in three fascinating conversations exploring the future relationship between the arts and three key areas; the environment, tourism & health and well-being.

First, Danae shares episode one about arts tourism and Taylah unpacks episode two about mental health and wellbeing and the arts.

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.

Pick a Pod 22-11-22

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