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Pick A Pod: Overwhelmed and Living & If Books Could Kill (Ep 90)

Tuesday means it’s time to Pick A Pod or two with Taylah Strano and Danae Gibson!

First, Danae offers us the new one from podcast personality Michael Hobbs called If Books Could Kill. Accompanied by Peter Shamshiri he unpacks the airport bestsellers that captured our hearts and ruined our minds.

Taylah talks us through a personal favourite from comedian Judith Lucy dubbed Overwhelmed and Living. Following on from her 2020 series Overwhelmed and Dying – a series about solving all her problems – this new series picks up where her last series with ABC left off. 

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.

pick a pod 29-11-22

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