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Premier Roger Cook sends out a signal of support to Radiothon 2024

“When people are facing a few troubles they do turn to things like community radio because it makes everyone feel included.”

Premier Roger Cook returned to Breakfast with Pam for Radiothon 2024, chatting all things RTRFM, weird swans and his favourite EDM music.

Plus, he brought with him a huge $20,000 donation from the State Government to help nudge the station closer to our $300,000 Radiothon target.

“We believe, in my government, that RTRFM plays such an important role in our community and we’re so proud of its legacy, and what is does to support homegrown talent in our music industry.”

Of course, RTRFM still needs plenty of community contributions to meet our goal and keep us on the air. Though we welcome additional $20,000 donations, you can also subscribe for just $30, $80, $180 or $280 depending on your capacity. Do it at!

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RTRFM - Infinite Mix