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Professor Gordon Flake – Perth USAsia Centre

America is gearing up for their mid term elections in which the Republican Party is hoping to retake the House and Senate and put a halt to the Biden Administration, gearing up for a potential return of Donald Trump in 2024.

With further divisions within American society and politics, alongside a recent leak from the Supreme Court that abortion law Roe v Wade maybe overturned, what does this mean for Americans and American Society?

Chris Wheeldon caught up with Professor Gordon Flake who is the founding Chief Executive Officer of the Perth USAsia Centre at the University of Western Australia to chat through what is going on.

He started by asking Gordon, what is Roe v Wade and what would overturning the law mean for the country?

Please be aware the following interview discusses abortion, if any issues arise from this interview please contact someone you feel comfortable chatting with or contact lifeline on 13 11 14.

Professor Gordon Flake


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