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Rupert Guenther performs live in studio ahead of The Cosmology Concert

‏‏Rupert Guenther is an international concert artist and composer who performs his own original works entirely through improvisation.

His upcoming Cosmology Concert performance at WA Museum Boola Bardip sees Guenther taking listeners on an epic journey in space and time.

Along with a large screen experience of beautiful astrophotography and using live electronic looping, the musician delivers a bespoke concert — turning the violin into an astonishing vehicle for his art, the artist evokes, through sound and music, an extraordinary picture of the cosmos and our momentary place in it – from the very origins of time to futuristic visions of the night skies.

Rupert and Dr. John Goldsmith join Kael on Ambient Zone to chat about the concert, the cosmos and an excerpt from the concert live in-studio.

Photo by Hank Kordas

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