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State Budget Promises Positive Future For Young Western Australians

The State Budget announced last week showed Western Australia’s economy operating at a stronger surplus than expected. With obstacles such as COVID 19, WA managed to set a record at $5.6 billion.

Fortunately for young people, this is positive news as the state budget contains promising investment to create positive futures, involving expanded investment and early intervention through community-based approaches, which will potentially harbour long-term impacts in the metropolitan areas of WA.

On The Record presenter Madeleine Lombardi is joined in the studio with Sandy McKerinan, who is the CEO of the Youth Affairs
Council of WA.

Together they discuss more about the WA budget and what it means for supporting youth services, including how the state government is spending its budget revenue towards Youth-Focused Initiatives, and what funding packages the State Government will invest into the Homelessness Crisis.

On The Record – Sandy McKeirnan

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