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Suzanne .k. Franklin return to Art!

After taking a hiatus from the art scene, formally sue.k., now using her full birth name, Suzanne .k. Franklin returns with her first solo show in more than 10 years.

Suzanne .k. Franklin is a West Australian artist with over three decades of art practice behind her.

Her new project, ‘Drawing Space’ is “an exhibition of works on paper that provides an experience of viewing that’s unhindered by narrative”.

“Each work depicts a sphere, or spheres, and a horizon line only, and they, along with the marks of the medium, become the tools with which to negotiate the complexities of space, time and the emotive power of colour and image. Conventional means with which to apply narrative are negated leaving nothing but a pure experience of what is before, the material substance of the work.”

Suzanne’s collection of small works can be seen at Mundaring Arts Centre from May, 4 to June, 30.

International Artist, Suzanne .k. Franklin joins Maxxi May on Artbeat ahead of the exhibition opening.

(Image: Promotional Photo for ‘Drawing Space’)

Suzanne K Franklin

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