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The Bowman Standard: A Geopolitical Game for Spheres of Power

Scott Wilson has long been a news junkie, consuming ideologies and affairs from across the globe to better understand why catastrophes happen – and more importantly, who is behind them.

His new book endeavours to answer this very question. Following fictitious American presidential elections from 2012 to 2028, this provocative satire grapples with the rise and fall of countries, their complacency, greed and hubris.

Using an imaginary scale, ‘The Bowman Standard’ which scores a country based on their military conflict, social disorder and climate catastrophe, Wilson has plenty of fascinating information to share. With the current state of global affairs this could make for a very interesting and timely discussion.

The Bowman Standard: A Geopolitical Game for Spheres of Power by Scott Wilson is published Shawline Publishing Group.

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