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Understanding The Voice to Parliament: Nolan Hunter

What is the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and why are we holding a referendum?

On October 14 Australian’s will vote on a proposition developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities from around Australia.

We will be asked to recognise Indigenous Australians in the constitution for the first time and give them a say on the issues and policies impacting their communities across Australia.

Over the next six weeks in the lead up to the referendum, RTRFM’s Breakfast with Pam will check in with folks that know what’s going on, can keep us up to date and explain the who, what, when where and why of the proposed change to the Constitution.

Today, Pam Boland chats with Head of the Engagement for the Uluru Dialogue Nolan Hunter on Breakfast to find out more about a central tenant of the Voice; The Uluru Statement From The Heart.

They also discuss the tangible outcomes of the Voice.

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Understanding The Voice to Parliament: Nolan Hunter

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