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Understorey: Clear Ahead for Native Plants

Clearing of native vegetation threatens many species and communities of flora around Perth and across Western Australia. Despite protection being legislated, many people seem unaware of legal restrictions on vegetation clearance, city planners have brushed aside earlier rulings and allowed sites to be cleared, and under-resourced regulators have overlooked certain offenders. Thus clearing of native plants is still excessive, and some shires are left with very little native vegetation. Eddy Wajon has answers.  He engages directly with frontline conservation and its policy implications, including in his roles as Chair of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia’s Roadside Vegetation Sub-committee, and as representative with the national Australian Native Plant Society. He champions the notions that if we protect native ecosystems along our state's roads, rather than allow flora and fungi destruction , then road safety, tourism and our soils will all benefit.  

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