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Understorey: Don’t Panic, Get Nonviolent!

Climate fiction, or Cli-fi, meets Sci-fi, meets fan fiction, meets peace literature, all linking up with nonviolent environmental protests in this ragged corner of the universe, with Dr Marty Branagan’s tribute to Douglas Adams, boldly titled “Locked On! The Seventh and Most Illegal in the Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy.”  Understorey commemorates International Day of Peace this coming Monday, as Adrian Glamorgan asks Marty about the role of fiction in enabling people to reflect on the protest experience, and link with protests both here and far, far away.  Darlington will have its peace fair; various councils in WA will be planting gingko trees to commemorate 75 years since the Hiroshima atomic bomb: how will you celebrate the International Day of Peace in 2020?

Montage: supplied photos from M Branagan and Stop Adani

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