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Vitamin K Offers Promising Hope For Healthy Hearts

A recent study published by Edith Cowan University (ECU) involving more than 50,000 people who took part over a twenty-three year period, established that people who ate more foods rich in Vitamin K, had up to a 34 percent lower risk of atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular diseases; (involving conditions affecting the heart and plaque build-up in the blood vessels).

On The Record presenter Jesse Begley is joined in the studio with Dr. Jamie Bellinge from the UWA School of Medicine; who was one of the authors of the study.

Together they discuss the numerous variables associated with the research, including which specific foods are labelled as healthy primary sources of a Vitamin K diet, how much is considered an adequate serving to be effective, and whether Vitamin K can be utilised in treating heart disease.

On The Record – Vitamin K & Heart Disease (23:08:2021)

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