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Warwick Thornton discusses ‘The New Boy’

Filmmaker Warwick Thornton, the mind behind recent Australian classics Samson and Delilah and Sweet Country, returns with his new and very personal film, The New Boy

Starring Cate Blanchett, Deborah Mailman, Wayne Blair and newcomer Aswan Reid, the film follows a young indigenous boy in the 1940s who is sent to a remote monastery. There, he is exposed to a new culture and religion which he approaches with curiosity, while also struggling to maintain a hold on Warwick_Thornton_OTR_0307his own culture and origin. The result is a film about compassion, survival and a search for spiritual balance.  

On The Record Producer Will Yagmich spoke with director Warwick Thornton about The New Boy, ahead of its wide national release.

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Warwick Thornton discusses ‘The New Boy’

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