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Slightly Odway: Jack Gaby V Gia Como

“It’s so strong in the feeling department…”

Jack Gaby covers Gia Como and pool boy‘s Madeleine for Slightly Odway.

Sans band, the Boorloo expat delivers a stripped back version of a duet that feels super nostalgic to him, despite being only 4 years old.

“I think of it as the Time to Pretend of Boorloo, our answer to MGMT…”

Pam Boland caught up with Jack to talk going solo, new years resolutions and new music.

Jack Gaby’s debut solo EP Soggy Flowers is out everywhere now.  

Sights: Emma Daisy

Sounds: Eddie Curtis, Damon Sutton and Curtis Morling

Produced by Pamela Boland

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