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Pick A Pod: Bobo and Flex & Kiki With Khanya with Guest Selector Princess Khanya (Ep 40)

Ahead of Radiothon Party 2021 we asked one of the lineup to be this month’s guest selector for Pick A Pod.

Luckily,  Princess Khanya is well versed in the way of the podcast, opting to listen to them over music at times, and hosting her own podcast too.

She brought us two episodes of Bobo and Flex to unpack. It’s a conversational catch-up between two friends as they navigate everything from friendships, to love and ethical quandaries too.

We also talked through her own podcast, Kiki With Khanya.

You can catch Princess Khanya at the RTRFM Radiothon Party  on Saturday August 14.GET YOUR TICKETS HERE.

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.

breakfast pick a pod 10-8-21

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