Plucked Strings
People have loved the sound of plucked strings going back over 3,000 years to the dawn of instrumental music. Plucked Strings maintains a Diary of plucked strings events on the web and that’s also the place to go to add a gig.
Plucked Strings plays lots from Appalachian dulcimer to zither with more than a few guitars and you will hear recordings of them from around the globe.
It’s a varied programme of music from the rich world of the guitar and related instruments, notice of events, live performances, new releases, Guitar Society news, and interviews.
during broadcast time: RTRFM Studio 9260 9210 or text 0405 921 921
any time: phone/text – 0420 619 414, RTRFM email – To make your email easier to find please put PLUCKED STRINGS in the subject line.
Plucked Strings maintains a Diary of plucked strings events on the web and that’s also the place to go to add a gig.
Gentileschi, Orazio Florentine, 1563 – 1639
The Lute Player c. 1612/1620
oil on canvas overall: 143.5 x 129 cm
National Gallery of Art, USA
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund 1962.8.1
Orazio Gentileschi, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
23rd March
Episode recap
Episode recap
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