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Say hello to

Natalie Ong

Lover of music, words, art, cinema, nature and the planet. Teller of stories. Ever curious, never bored.


Get to know Natalie Ong

I’ve been presenting with RTRFM for about 20 years. I love community radio, exploring new sounds, producing my own live shows and sharing great music with our listening community and getting feedback. It’s really rewarding to be part of a small, tight and collective.

I must love this little gig because it’s outlasted many paid jobs over the decades! Outside the studio, I have a varied portfolio career as a management consultant and social marketer. Apart from volunteering with nature, community, heritage and gardening groups, I have wide-ranging eclectic and esoteric interests and still don’t know what to do when I grow up.

How did you become involved in the station?

In a roundabout and serendipitous way! It was 2004, and I had done a presenter’s course through Curtin FM, hoping to get into community radio. Jack Warner, who I met at a house concert, invited me into the RTRFM studio for Acoustic Cafe, and coming down the stairs, I bumped into the wonderful Naomi Millett, coordinator and by then sole presenter of The Guitar Show (before it became Plucked Strings).

She was relocating after 17 years on the show and looking for someone to take over. She found out I happened to have a love of guitar music with a decent collection to boot, and invited me on board. I’ve been here ever since.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Mdou Moctar at the Rechabite Hall.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Sunday Morning Coming Down.

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