Understorey: Banking Good ~Investing in Landscapes
Understorey brings you positive news about banks – not Australian banks, but financial institutions that are operating globally, ready to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in sustainable landscapes, especially if different economic, social and environment interests can be facilitated to promote their cooperative advancement. These are the banks who could be interested in lending to mitigate climate change and help our living planet thrive. These are the banks in Europe which will be expected to mark green impacts on their key indicators, for any banking product. Paul Chatterton from the Landscape Finance Lab in Vienna, operating globally, talks to Understorey about this 21st century approach to banking that has moved organisations like WWF to broaden their focus from species, to habits, to ecoregions, to now encompass where the money goes and flows, to shape a more promising future where it’s needed most.
Photo: montage from photos supplied by WWF