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Say hello to

Amaru Zachariassen

Chillin’ like a villain.


Get to know Amaru

I always like a bit of the unexpected in everything, and RTR is full of exciting things that you won’t find anywhere else! I have been a mad fan since I was a kid! Apart from being hooked on music and beats, I also love drawing, writing song lyrics and doing live theatre.

How did you become involved in the station?

I’ve been listening to RTRFM since I was in a car-seat and we used to have recordings of General Justice pumping through on the car tape deck every single day! It was always a dream to get involved with RTR and I was so stoked when I got to host a segment called Radioactive for youth artists!

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Public Enemy number 1! Live turntablism, Chuck D droppin some fire bars. Can’t get more hair raising than that.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Woodstock Rock, I’ve heard some of the most wild songs on this wicked show!

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