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Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison is a senior Noongar man, a Traditional Custodian from WA’s southern coast who has passed his strong Aboriginal values to following generations of his extended family. His mother, father and their 21 siblings were all stolen and separated as children.



Get to know Jim

Jim has been an uncompromising activist, advocate and leader in pivotal Aboriginal advancement roles for over four decades, working passionately to address tragic mental health and suicide issues in his community; equity in access to culturally safe services in State and Commonwealth Governments; overdue prison reforms; Aboriginal employment; education and training; equity in universities; the protection of young street people and the formation and management of non-government agencies providing services to Aboriginal families and their broader communities.

He was a founding member of Reconciliation WA, three times the Aboriginal Co-chair of the National Stolen Generations Alliance, is the Co-convenor of Bringing Them Home (WA) and the inaugural Chair of the WA Stolen Generations Alliance.

His network and current knowledge of Aboriginal and mainstream human services agencies is wide and diverse and he sits as a volunteer, on numerous committees connected with reconciliation, employment, mental health, suicide and keynotes frequently on important aspects of Unfinished Business.

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