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Say hello to

Sophie Minissale

Some people know me as a photographer, a writer, an arts producer and programmer. Working on adding ‘very amateur dj’ to that rotation.


Get to know Sophie

I love presenting for two reasons. One, it gives me a chance to connect with the community through a dialogue and a medium I enjoy. There is nothing better than receiving a text or a phone call from someone saying they liked that interview you did or the song you played. Secondly, presenting still scares me with nervs, so I like it as a personal challenge which is albeit a little selfish.

Outside of the station I work in the arts, with a focus on theatre and playwriting. However, I have a very respected career as a photographer which I am forever grateful for. My day job is in local government where I work in both communications and cultural and social development for young people.

I first heard about RTRFM when I turned on the radio in high school and then turned it off because I didn’t understand the music they played on Full Frequency yet. Very glad to say that has changed.

How did you become involved in the station?

Through a friend who is now a very cool, very awesome ABC journo. Thank you, Court! <3

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

In the Pines 2024 and running into a good friend at every turn – that’s what I love about RTR! That or all the photography I’ve done for all the gigs of past.

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Full frequency OR Giant Steps OR all of the shows that run from 5 pm – 1 am on a Friday night

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