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Say hello to

Tamara Szep

Ive been presenting on rtrfm for 15yrs, I love music and supporting local independent artists and it’s my way of giving back to them for all the amazing art they create . I love trees and this beautiful planet we live on and am blessed to be born on this great southern land. Just like our unique and special country, our musicians spin the world into their beautiful music and I am lucky enough to share that with listeners. Will hopefully stay with RTRfm till I am really old and on my last legs RTRfm forever


Get to know Tamara

I think I first started listening to rtrfm in the 90’s I didn’t always live in the city so I didn’t have access to it for many years. I came across it by accident at first, scrolling the dial and came across this cool music. I really became a listener in the early 2000’s and then became a member and the rest is history.

I think one of the things I love the most about being on rtrfm is that I love the freedom we have to choose the music we play and that we support our local independent music and arts, that rtrfm stands for community and we, the volunteers, are all just everyday people. I love the privilege of having live music played to me in an interview and talking to so many awesome musicians and sharing their talents with the world.

I am a woman of many interests outside of rtrfm, I am a remedial massage therapist, I co-present workshops, I am a mother, I am a happy being and I try to spread that energy around, I love to have a sing, I write some poetry, I LOVE to do voice over work and last but not least I love to do photography.

How did you become involved in the station?

I was doing a TAFE Broadcast for radio certificate III and loved it. Danae Gibson was one of our lecturers and she invited myself and Kristy Auld to come and present on Burning Down The House – A show about women, by women, for everyone.

When that show become a prerecord we slowly all fell away and I joined Rockin The Roots, when Damian Smith was coordinator. I joined the team and haven’t looked back since, they will never get rid of me. I really love and appreciate rtrfm, it’s been an integral and important part of my life for many years now and I don’t think I would be the person I am today without being a part of the rtrfm family.

Tell us about your most memorable gig, either attending or playing at?

Oh gosh, this is a hard one as there have been so many but I think years ago, watching the Waifs and Donna Waif grabbed my camera and started taking photos of us from the stage.

It was at Mojo’s (when they could still do gigs at Mojos cause they were still small enough), yeah those early waifs gigs were so special to me. The energy of the crowd was lovely and really connected and the music hit my soul. Spotlight, I found you, I know where you are……

What is your favourite show (other than your own) on RTRFM?

Sunday Morning Coming Down

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