Plucked Strings
People have loved the sound of plucked strings going back over 3,000 years to the dawn of instrumental music. Plucked Strings maintains a Diary of plucked strings events on the web and that’s also the place to go to add a gig.
Plucked Strings plays lots from Appalachian dulcimer to zither with more than a few guitars and you will hear recordings of them from around the globe.
It’s a varied programme of music from the rich world of the guitar and related instruments, notice of events, live performances, new releases, Guitar Society news, and interviews.
during broadcast time: RTRFM Studio 9260 9210 or text 0405 921 921
any time: phone/text – 0420 619 414, RTRFM email – To make your email easier to find please put PLUCKED STRINGS in the subject line.
Plucked Strings maintains a Diary of plucked strings events on the web and that’s also the place to go to add a gig.
Gentileschi, Orazio Florentine, 1563 – 1639
The Lute Player c. 1612/1620
oil on canvas overall: 143.5 x 129 cm
National Gallery of Art, USA
Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund 1962.8.1
Orazio Gentileschi, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
9th March
Episode recap
PLUCKED STRINGS. All pieces composed by Astor Piazzolla (11-3-1921-1992) and all pieces with female presence because; March 8th International Women's Day and March 11th Astor Piazzolla's birthday back in 1921. Presented by Graham Hawkes.
Episode recap
PLUCKED STRINGS. All pieces composed by Astor Piazzolla (11-3-1921-1992) and all pieces with female presence because; March 8th International Women's Day and March 11th Astor Piazzolla's birthday back in 1921. Presented by Graham Hawkes.
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