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Pick A Pod: Best of 2021 (Ep 54)

For the final episode of Pick A Pod in 2021, Taylah and Danae look back through their podcast highlights of the year.

Danae gives special mention to A Podcast of One’s Own with Julia Gillard, What Next: TBD and The Ticket.

Taylah casts back to Accidental CelebrityToxic: The Britney Spears Story and Fiasco: Bush V Gore.

PLUS check out the RTRFM Podcasts created in 2021 – HERSTORY, profiling women in the W.A Women’s Hall of Fame. Plus Punk West, an oral history of Perth’s punk scene.

You can always keep up to date with Pick A Pod every Tuesday morning on Breakfast with Taylah and listen back to past episodes here.

breakfast pick a pod 7-12-21

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