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Rare Trapdoor Spiders Named In Honour of Heroes of 2018 Thai Cave Rescue

Four new species of the world’s most specialised cave-dwelling trapdoor spider, Troglodiplura, have been named in honour of key people involved in the 2018 Thai cave rescue.

The rare, blind, cave-dwelling spiders are found only in permanently dark zones in caves of Australia’s Nullarbor Plain, and have been named and published by Western Australian Museum scientists.

WA Museum lead scientist Dr Mark Harvey said he and his team wanted to pay tribute to the key people involved in the Thai cave rescue and named the new species in their honour.

Troglodiplura beirutpakbarai was named for Mr Beirut Pakbara and Troglodiplura samankunani for Mr Saman Kunan, who both tragically died as a result of the rescue. Troglodiplura challeni is named for Dr Craig Challen and Troglodiplura harrisi for Dr Richard Harris, the Australian cave divers who were instrumental in rescuing the group. Dr Challen and Dr Harris were joint winners of the 2019 Australian of the Year.

Dr Mark Harvey joins Jeff Bullen to discuss the discovery.
on the record mark harvey 15-2-21

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