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Science with Commander Kat

Brain Tunes, Musical One Hit Wonders, Parasites and Monster Black Holes …Science With Commander Kat, returns with a wider variety of the world’s current scientific developments.

Part One launches into the psychology behind teenagers’ brains shifting from focusing on their mother’s voices to favour new voices. Along the way, Commander Kat ponders upon music artists who made it big but faded out after their first hit song, including whether there is an artistic formula for maintaining longevity.

Part Two travels deeper to microscopic levels, discovering how indirectly measuring gender biases in the sciences are revealed, by looking at the naming of parasite species. They round off the chat by investigating how your personality and overall intelligence is a reflection of your family home and upbringing, including the developments of the Sagittarius A Black Hole occurring at the heart of our galaxy.

Commander Kat P1 12-05-2022

Commander Kat P2 12-05-2022

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