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The Low-down on Teether’s fourth LP MACHONA

Naarm/Melbourne rapper Teether has become an undeniable voice on Australia’s alt hip-hop scene over the past few years. Known for embracing more off-kilter approaches to his music and an out-right rejection of more traditional sounds and aesthetics, this artist’s off-kilter approach and daring experimentation is as infectious as it is skilful.

With three brilliant albums already under his belt, Teether’s latest gift and fourth LP MACHONA which is out on the 27th of May is sure to ear-wig its way into listener’s hearts and ears. Inspired by musical influences as far reaching as black metal and dub and drawing on his own cultural heritage, the rapper delivers a perfect hip-hop album that is both smooth and thoughtful.

Out To Lunch’s Kailyn Crabbe chats with the Teether to get the low-down on all things the new record.

She starts out by asking the rapper about the thought behind the album’s title.

Listen to the full interview below.

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